First I want to say that I love food...I think that the reason of my love is the emotional connotation. Every celebration, Birthday, anniversary and happy moment in my family is related with the food, we always where go to eating. But really I’m so spoiled with the food. I don’t eat shellfish, and I hate chickpea, chunchules, chicken feet, Offal, entrails, heads, brains, trotters, and tripe. With my Father usually we makes barbeques, and traditional food like cazuela, my father usually eat so much. My father really likes wine, and beer. My father loves to cook, and make dinner at home for family and close friends.
With my mom the thing is different; I always eat salads and low foods low in salt. My mom is pro healthy food, and loves the chicken and the rice. Meals prepared in the oven, and no fried food, no carbonated beverages, juice and water only. My mom is so healthy and loves healthy foods, lettuce, tomato, sesame, bread and turkey ham.
Particularly I prefer Chinese food, and I like Italian food, like pasta and ravioli gnocchi’s fettuccines and different sauces. Recently discovered that I hate sushi, a while ago I thought I liked, but not really. I think I improve my food. Rather get organized with my schedule of eating. With the university and at any time and only fast food or nothing. I think the diet is very important, that determines your health, mind and soul.
It's hard to decide which building is the one I like, in Santiago there are many,although they are sometimes hidden or poorly maintained, I live in the barrioYungay, in the historical center of Santiago, and around me is full of beautiful buildings. One of the ones I like, perhaps one of the simplest is one that is quotedby the Metro Quinta Normal, and in front of the memorial museum. Rather than talk about how nice the building, it is important to refer to the few policies that exist with respect to equity. I think in Santiago, Chile rather, should be concerned to preserve those places that give life and give our city history. While some sectorsof government are in charge of this task is much to be done in the old town of Santiago, we can see from Gothic to modern architecture buildings abandoned.Well, this quoted, is within one of the cultural tours of Santiago, and lastFebruary's earthquake badly damaged, yet the families who live there areconcerned with preserving, Matucana street where this building is located is a busy street so it is difficult to achieve and maintain the facade intact, withoutgraffiti and stuff, but at least it is possible to notice that there is a concern. well, that, greetings:)