Thursday, May 26, 2011



I really love Santiago, I´ve lived here all my life, and i think that is a great city, this city have bad things to, but in generally it´s so funny. The things that i love of Santiago are the cultural activities. For example, I live in a heritage area called " Barrio Yungay" and is very fun because there are always different activities in the plaza, even in january is made a party to commemorate the " Chilean Roto". I always lived in the Center of Santiago, there is much diversity here . I have neighboards of different countries, and is very entertaining atmosphere that is generate by that. Well , the center of Santiago it´s so active, but in other places of Santiago you can find a lot of wonderful things like the " Persas" or the street markets. In them you can find things ridiculously cheap. From designer clothes to collectable toys , music , books, everything!!!!

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